
Dog Skin Care

The skin is the dog’s largest organ and provides a barrier against the environment in which they live. The number one pet insurance claim is skin related problems. Itch, odour, flakes, redness and scabs are all signs of abnormal skin conditions.

What are the causes of skin infections?

Skin infection is a multifactorial disease, and symptoms can vary from ear infections, hot spots, hair loss, itching and red flaky skin. Causes include allergies, parasites, bacteria and yeast.

What are ringworms?

Symptoms would include an area of hair loss which is typically not itchy. Treatment would include antifungal medication.

What are the causes and treatment for allergic skin diseases?

Causes of allergic skin diseases include a hypersensitivity of the immune system to something in the dog’s environment meat proteins in food, grasses, pollens, dust mites and fleas.

Treatment – Try to prevent exposure to the underlying cause, hyposensitization injections, medications specifically for dogs to decrease the overzealous immune response and ensuring a healthy skin barrier.

What are the causes and treatment for Parasitic skin diseases?

Causes of parasitic skin disease would include fleas, ticks, mites that can live in or on the skin for part or all of their life cycle. Treatment would be recommended based on the parasite that your dog has.

What are the causes and treatment for hormonal skin diseases?

Hormonal skin disease can be caused by an underactive thyroid, adrenal gland issues or an imbalance of reproductive hormones. These are often diagnosed by blood testing.


What Does It Mean When Your Cat Is Scratching Themselves?

First of all, let’s talk about why cats scratch. Cats ‘scratch’ on items for two reasons. The reason we think of them most often is to sharpen their claws. But scratching also serves another purpose.

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