Keep Your Pet Safe

Our pets are always there for us through good times and bad, they make us laugh, give us warm cozy cuddles, and give us unlimited emotional support when we’re sad.

So here are a few hidden dangers we may not think of as dangerous to our pets but can have devastating effects.


Most of us know the dangers of chocolate in any form, but there is also alcohol and marijuana, candy (especially once with the sugar substitute xylitol), and raisins and grapes. If you suspect your pet has ingested any of these please contact your local vet or emergency clinic immediately as these can be very time sensitive. Some dangers we don’t think of as dangerous can seem small but can be fatal for a dog. For example, that old piece of gum lying on the sidewalk. It is estimated that one piece of gum can potentially cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) in a 20 lb dog.


They may be beautiful to look at, and smell however many plants and flowers are poisonous to our furry friend. Lilies are incredibly toxic to cats and cause them to go into kidney failure. Lilies should never enter a home if a cat lives there. Other poisonous plants are crocuses, daffodils, amaryllis and tulips. Roses can pose a risk as their thorns can cause lacerations.


Candlelit dinners with beautifully wrapped presents are lovely but can also be very harmful. From a fire hazard to singed whiskers to ingesting dangerous ribbon, please supervise your sweetie around all of these things.

Written by: Erin Pettipas, Veterinary Assistant