Stop the Pull

Having a dog is a wonderful thing. A relationship between a dog and their owner is generally a friendship filled with lots of fun and love. This friendship can be sorely changed if walks are unpleasant due to excessive pulling on the lead. This can be extremely frustrating to both the owner and the dog. Dogs need to understand that a walk should be enjoyable, but not a race to the finish and an owner needs to understand that for a walk to benefit a dog they must be allowed to smell and get their information through their nose.

When a dog is pulling-dog-525x254 pulling on a leash attached to a regular collar they are putting a lot of pressure on the front of their throat causing them to cough, choke and gag. This is not comfortable for the dog, but once that pressure starts they only pull harder. It is also quite uncomfortable for the owner and can cause serious injuries. Constant pulling on one side of the body isn’t good for anyone. It can cause damage to shoulders and backs and/or cause someone to trip and fall.

Owning a dog means taking on the responsibility of their well being and daily exercise is a big part of that. Unenjoyable walks make it hard for anyone to want to go on them so owners should look into ways to make it easier on everyone.

There are many different ways to help stop this bad habit such as working with a trainer, having your dog wear a harness or a head collar, or looking into different ways of exercising your dog so they’re more relaxed when you go to take a stroll. No matter what training tool you choose walking is a big part of owning a dog so do what works for both of you. It will help make your friendship ever more fabulous!

Written by Bedford South Veterinary Hospital