
Registered Veterinary Technician

Jessie moved with her husband from Alberta back in 2016 after they got married. She has always wanted to work with animals in one way or another, so she expanded her passion for animals by going to school to become a Veterinary Technician. She graduated from Maritime Business College in 2019 and has been in the veterinary field since then. She has a special interest in emergency medicine as she loves seeing all the different cases while being able to put her knowledge to use.

Jessie has volunteered at multiple wildlife rehab centers, shelters and clinics throughout her life. She has had dogs her whole life and now has two of the best dogs she could have. Harriet is a Boxer Ridgeback, and Kevin is a Red Nose Am Staff. And boy do they have energy!

In addition to her love for animals, she likes going on hikes and walks, camping, travelling (everywhere), and hanging out at home with her husband and dogs.

She also loves giraffes! They are her favorite animal and hopes to one day be able to go to a giraffe sanctuary.