Traveling in the Summer

Summer for us means lots of travel and our “furry kids” go everywhere with us.  By planning ahead we can make our excursions fun and comfortable for our two dogs Maggie and Jiggs. Dogs cannot cool themselves by sweating like people. They sweat through their pads and cool off by panting, neither are enough when it hot and humid. Maggie is a short-faced dog and therefore especially prone to suffering from heat-related illness.  She doesn’t move air as well through her respiratory tract as easily as Jiggs who is a longer faced dog.

I would like to share some tips with you for travelling in the summer with your dogs.

  • Make sure you take lots of cool water for them; you can even buy some cool water bottles that turn into a device they can drink from.
  • Plan on stops along the way so can stretch their legs and have bathroom breaks. Never leave them in a car, even if you think it is cool enough. If we must stop one of us will stay with the dogs, and find a shady spot to walk them.
  • Course you always have your “poop bags” with you.
  • Choose the early morning or later evening to exercise your dog’s when it is a cooler temperature. If the weather is warmer take frequent breaks at least 15 minutes or as often as needed.
  • I would encourage you to visit your veterinarian before the summer travel starts as some illnesses are bothered more by the heat. Maggie and Jiggs are both geriatric and I have to be mindful of their arthritis.
  • Lastly think about your destination is it pet friendly, will this be an enjoyable trip for you and your pet.

Enjoy your summer trips as much as we do.


Written by Linda