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Feline: Senior versus Young Adult

August 3, 2016

First off; what a difference!  I knew there would be but I guess I was so use to having a quiet senior in my house who slept for 23 hours a day that I was taken back a bit by the constant energy of my newest adoptee.

Favourite toy?  Well, a motion sensitive squeaking mouse of course.  Roh’s hunting instincts keeps this toy constantly sticky with saliva.  Drool if you must.  This toy must always be put away before bedtime. Grrrr 3:00 am squeaks.

A saucy back talk effortlessly floats my way as I tell Roh “no”.  EVERY TIME!!  It’s so adorable… er, I mean “stay strong, look away from the cuteness”.  Consistency is key.  No matter how many people live in the home.

Teenager years!  Gak!  Some days are constant battles of boundaries and “oh… you’re up?!  Feed me now”.

Sleeping arrangements vary from night to night.  From “no interest AT ALL in sleeping with you tonight” vs “your head makes an excellent pillow”.

Mobility plays a huge role.  Roh is bouncing all over the place.  I have found that I’m vacuuming ginger hairs more often.

Catnip is a joke to Roh.  This mint family member has little to no effect at all.  He’ll gladly take his mouse (of course) over catnip any day.

“Food motivated” seems like an understatement.  It’s been a long time since I had to allot a measured amount of food twice daily.  All for the celebration of longevity.  I highly recommend treat balls for feeding not only treats but the actual meal itself.  With this motivation, came sitting on cue.  He’s a pro now.

Many differences and this change has been welcomed in full force.  ❤

Written by Amanda Elliott, Veterinary Assistant