Seasonal Allergies

Pets can suffer from seasonal allergies just like people do. There are different types of allergies that pets can get, including food allergies and environmental allergies. Seasonal allergies are environmental. Novartis Animal Health conducted a study which found that over half of pet owners aren’t aware that their pets have seasonal allergies. Our four-legged friends can feel just as bad during certain times of the year as we do. Generally seasonal allergies will only have your pet showing symptoms during certain times of the year, such as spring, fall, or summer. An exception to this rule could be if you live in an area that is warm year-round or doesn’t experience a lot of freezing. Generally, if your pet is having allergy like symptoms all year then it could be a food allergy.

When people get seasonal allergies, the symptoms tend to be sneezing, and watery eyes. Dog and cat seasonal allergies frequently show up as something called allergic dermatitis. This is a skin inflammation or irritation. If your pet has allergies they will be very itchy. They will scratch, bite, and chew at their skin to try to ease the itch. They can scratch at themselves so much that they can make themselves very sore, and have hair loss, sores, and scabs. Pets with allergies can also have respiratory problems just like their owners with seasonal allergies. Runny noses, sneezing, coughing, and watery eyes can also be symptoms for pet allergies. Pets with allergies may also have very red or pink skin as a sign of irritation. Places to watch for this include the paws, chin, and around the eyes. A lot of these allergy symptoms could also be signs of other issues, so it is best to discuss them with a veterinarian to truly find the reason why your pet is showing these symptoms.

If your veterinarian does believe that your pet has seasonal allergies there are multiple different options to try to provide them with comfort. There are options include regular bathing with a shampoo made for sensitive animals to help rid the coat of allergens, as well as foot soaks after coming in from outside. You can also frequently vacuum and sweep your house and wash the areas where your pet sleeps. There are also medications your veterinarian can prescribe to help ease the itch.

Please call us if you think your pet may have seasonal allergies and we can help!

Mikaila Cariou RVT