
Cat Weight Management

According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 58% of cats and 54% of dogs were overweight or obese in 2015.

Is my cat fat?

As a general rule a cat is overweight when they are 15% above ideal weight and obese when they are 30% above ideal weight. A Veterinarian can assess and let you know if your cat is overweight.

How can my cat lose weight? Weight loss tips?

You can help your cat lose weight by providing portion control, specific weight loss diets, food balls, and toys to mimic hunting, increase activity in the home and interactive play. We can offer a weight loss plan for your cat.

Do you offer nutritional consultations?

We have trained staff that can assist you with weight loss programs for your cat. Call us for further information.


What Does It Mean When Your Cat Is Scratching Themselves?

First of all, let’s talk about why cats scratch. Cats ‘scratch’ on items for two reasons. The reason we think of them most often is to sharpen their claws. But scratching also serves another purpose.

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