
CATegory 4: The Journey to the Hospital

Cats are creatures of habit, ritual and “normalcy”.  They don’t care for excess motion and they don’t like rapid changes in their environment. They don’t like to be over stimulated visually and don’t appreciate loud noises. These things can all lead to increased FAS, (Fear, Anxiety, and Stress).

  • A carrier that has a blanket/towel in it and over it will decrease visual and auditory stimulation
  • Carrying the carrier with 2 hands at opposite ends of the carrier and holding it against your body will decrease motion compared the classical one armed swing that results from carrying it with the normal handle.
  • Warm or cool down the inside of your car (seasonal) to the ambient temperature that your cat is used to
  • Ideally place the carrier on the floor behind the front passenger seat. It is the safest spot in the car and there is far less motion on the floor
  • Play quiet relaxing music (or music that your cat is used to) or none at all for the drive.
  • Sometimes medication to prevent motion sickness is recommended. If a cat feels nauseous then FAS will also increase. If your cat suffers from motion sickness, please speak to us. We can help.

Written by Dr. Rob Doucette



What Does It Mean When Your Cat Is Scratching Themselves?

First of all, let’s talk about why cats scratch. Cats ‘scratch’ on items for two reasons. The reason we think of them most often is to sharpen their claws. But scratching also serves another purpose.

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