902.826.1933 Westwood Hills Veterinary Hospital

How to Decrease FAS in Cats for a Pleasant Trip to the Vet Hospital

March 2, 2017


Does a trip to the veterinary hospital scare your cat?  Does it scare you?

The following blogs will help you and your cat for what may usually be a stressful journey to the vet less stressful.


  1. What Fear, Anxiety and Stress (FAS) looks like
  2. The Importance of Minimizing Fear, Anxiety and Stress in Your Feline Friend
  3. It Starts and Finishes with the Carrier
  4. The Journey to the Hospital
  5. We Have Arrived! The Hospital Visit


Prepared by Dr. Rob Doucette,

In association with Fear Free TM Certification Program


Taking the pet out of petrified