902.826.1933 Westwood Hills Veterinary Hospital

Dog Spaying and Neutering

October 31, 2016

Having your dog neutered has health & behaviour benefits and helps control the pet population.

What does neutering/spaying a dog do?

The term “neutering” refers to surgical excision of the testicles from a male dog (castration). The term “spaying” refers to the surgical excision of the ovaries and uterus from a female dog (an ovariohysterectomy).

Why is it important to neuter/spay my dog?

Prevents unwanted behaviour such as urine marking, aggression and mounting as well as eliminating the risk of prostate enlargement and testicular cancer.

How old should a dog be before neutering/spaying?

By neutering a male dog, it prevents unwanted behaviour such as urine marking, aggression and mounting as well as eliminating the risk of prostate enlargement and testicular cancer. By spaying a female dog, it decreases the likelihood of mammary cancer and uterine infections.

How much does it cost to neuter/spay a dog?

Please contact our clinic for further information.

What should I expect when my dog goes home?

At discharge, you will be given a list of take-home instructions that include when to feed your dog and exercise and bathing restrictions. You will also be sent home with medication that will help with post-op discomfort.