902.826.1933 Westwood Hills Veterinary Hospital

Fall’s Coming!

September 6, 2018

Here are some tips to prepare for fall.

During the summer, we remember to fill the water bowl frequently because it’s so hot outside. But it’s important to keep the water bowl filled, and fresh, all the time! As the temperatures drop lower and lower, keep an eye out on any outdoor water bowls to make sure they aren’t freezing over. Change outdoor water frequently, as rodents and raccoons carrying leptospirosis may leave the bacteria in this water.

If your dog prefers to sleep on the floor instead of a dog bed, remember that wood and tile floors can get cold. A nice warm blanket will help make a warm sleeping space for your pooch. Wash and/or change the blankets at least once a week.

Some dogs shed their summer coats in preparation for their winter coat. Brush daily or weekly as needed.

Parasite protection is needed all year long! Talk to your vet and ensure your pet is protected.
It’s also time to start thinking about a pet sitter for your holiday travel. It’s a busy time of year so you want to book early!

Written by Tracy LeFler, Site Coordinator