
The One-Eyed Bandit!

Meet Bandit! The one-eyed Bandit!

Bandit came in to see me to have her eye examined. The white part (sclera) of her eye had been discoloured for some time but was not bothering her. Recently the discoloured portion had become swollen and was gradually increasing in size. After performing several diagnostic tests, it was determined that Bandit had an eye tumour, and the best course of action was enucleation.

Enucleation is the surgical removal of an eye and is undertaken to prevent pain or spread of disease. The most common reason I see dogs for enucleation is medically non-responsive glaucoma (elevated ocular pressure) in dogs. In Bandit’s case, we were concerned about local and possibly systemic damage caused by cancer.

Enucleation in dogs is considered a treatment of last resort, when all previous attempts to salvage a comfortable visual eye have failed or if maintaining the eye serves greater risk than removing it. The procedure is carried out under full general anesthetic, and there is a high chance of a successful outcome. In Bandit’s case, the risk of ocular cancer-causing further localized tissue damage or spreading elsewhere throughout the body was deemed too high to maintain the presence of the eye.

From my perspective, clients initially have a hard time making this decision. The loss of an eye or partial vision to a person is seen as terrible. Not to take away from the seriousness of this in dogs, but I find my patients don’t care. They don’t have to drive; they don’t read the newspaper or watch TV. They don’t dwell on things beyond their control, nor do they internalize the sympathies from their friends/family. They depend upon so many other senses to gather information THEY NEED that the loss of an eye is…well… not so bad. That is their reality.

I enucleated Bandits eye, and the cancer is gone. For the One-Eyed Bandit – life is the same. She can still do the things that she loves to do, and thanks to enucleation, she can do these things painlessly for a long time.

If you have any questions about your pet’s health, give us a call at 902.826.1933 to make an appointment.

Written by: Dr. Rob Doucette, DVM

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House Training Techniques To Try On Your New Puppy

Housetraining is not only possible but also easy because dogs have a natural instinct to relieve themselves away from their living quarters. The use of the pet crate makes the whole process go more smoothly. A pet crate has the additional advantage of protecting your home from the potential destructive behaviour of a curious puppy and minimizing the chances of the puppy injuring themselves. Feed your puppy three meals per day. Consistency in feeding time makes the time of elimination more predictable. The last feeding should be no later than 6pm. Removing water at 8 pm may be helpful for the first few months. Our veterinarians at Westwood Hills Veterinary Hospital can help you choose a diet that works for your pet. Select one toilet area for your puppy. Take your puppy to this area at the time he/she is most likely to need to eliminate right after sleeping, soon after eating, etc. In the beginning, it is advisable to take the puppy out every 30-45 minutes. Always provide the puppy the opportunity to go outside to eliminate just before being put back in the crate. Always take the puppy outside immediately after returning home before the excitement causes an accident. Praise your puppy immediately after eliminating it in the right area. If you find an accident, do not raise your voice, do not spank your puppy, and do not rub their nose in it. Punishment does not make your puppy afraid of the accident but afraid of you. It also makes your puppy think that you don't want the puppy to pee in front of you. This means that when you take your puppy outside, it is going to hold it; as soon as you come back inside, that puppy will then run somewhere that you can't see it and pee there. Most puppies will be “regular”. They will go out at the same time every time after eating. Most puppies will be eliminated within 10 minutes after eating. Once you have learned the specific time for your specific time for your specific puppy, you will have a good idea of what time you should routinely take the puppy outside. Use products that neutralize odour when cleaning up accidents. We stock an effect stain and odour removal, particularly for this reason. Remember to be patient. Housetraining should be complete by 4-6 months of age, but it is still advisable to keep the pet in the crate when you are away from home for several months to prevent possible destructive behaviours. Also, remember that your puppy needs plenty of play and exercise when out of the crate.

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