
Orthotics and Prosthetics For Pets

Orthotics (braces) and prosthetics for our pets are more and more common place today than ever before.  They are available to certain patients under certain circumstances and physical indications.

A common use is to stabilize injured joints for which surgical intervention is not possible.

Orthotics are appropriate in cases where there is a deficit in ligament function, arthritic issues, orthopedic and deformity issues, and in some cases neurological deficits. For a patient that cannot have surgery, it can mean the difference between a dog that can maintain a healthy lifestyle and one that ages prematurely due to pain and inactivity.

Common injuries that benefit from a brace

  • Hyperextension or Hyperflexion of the Carpus (wrist )or Tarsus (ankle)
  • Ligament tear such as the cranial cruciate ligament (ACL) to stabilize the stifle (knee)
  • Subluxation (dislocation)
  • Hip or elbow dysplasia

Your veterinarian can arrange and/or perform the initial steps of custom fabrication of such a supportive brace for your pet.

Written by Dr. Alex Hare


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