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Cat Deworming

November 9, 2016

Although it is an unappealing topic to discuss, worms are nevertheless necessary to address. Straightforward and regular treatment with dewormers will rid your cat of these internal parasites and the health problems they cause.

What are some inside cat and dog parasites?

The most common intestinal parasites found in cats are roundworms. Most conventional dewormers kill this type of worm. But there are many other types of worms, such as tapeworm, as well as single-celled parasites, that can affect and cats. Since some dewormers are very particular in which parasites they kill, it is very important to get the right dewormer for the job. We can run tests to identify the type of parasite and prescribe the appropriate medication.

What are worm infestation symptoms in cats?

Cats with worms may be thin with a bloated belly. This is usually more noticeable in kittens. Worms will sometimes be vomited or seen in the feces. An indication of tapeworms is small white segments stuck the fur under the cat’s tail. But many cats won’t show any symptoms at all, so looking for symptoms is not a reliable way of telling if your cat has worms. The best course of action is to treat cats that are at risk of catching worms. Cats that go outside hunt rodents or have fleas have all been exposed to sources of worm eggs and should be treated with a deworming medication prescribed by your veterinarian.

Do worm affect humans?

Treating your cat for worms is important not only for the cat but for the human members of your family as well. Humans can get some of the same worms that pets do. There can also be more side effects in humans, especially in children. This does not mean that you can’t have a cat in your home. All it takes to protect the whole family is for the cat to get regular deworming treatments prescribed by your veterinarian.

Any deworming medication side effects?

Deworming medications are very safe medications that rarely have side effects. This is because they are designed to act on the nerve cells off worms, which are extremely different from the nerve cells of cats or dogs. The dewormer kills the parasite without affecting the pet at all. Deworming medications are available in a variety of easy to administer forms, including flavour-coated tablets, chewable treats, and a liquid that is applied to the skin on the back of the neck.

What is the deworming schedule?

All kittens are born with worms. They are transmitted from their mothers. This is why we routinely deworm kittens up until they are four months of age. Worms are not susceptible to the medication until they have matured, so treatment must be repeated several times at intervals to kill all of them. These treatments are included in the cost of your kitten’s vaccine visits. But treating a few times won’t prevent your cat from catching more worms later on in life. This is why routine treatment with dewormers is needed to keep your cat healthy and worm free. Your veterinarian will help you decide which dewormer should be given and how often, based on your cat’s risk of exposure to parasites.

How do you test for parasites?

To find out if your cat has worms or other parasites, all we need is a fresh fecal sample from your cat’s litter box. It will be sent to a lab that will identify any parasite eggs in the stool. The results are available within a few days.