Clayton Park at 902.443.4345 Woodbury Veterinary Hospital

Dental Care for Dogs

November 8, 2016

Dogs like to explore their world with their mouths. They don’t just use it for eating. Chewing, mouthing, tasting, giving you licks and kisses to show affection are all essential oral functions. If the health of the mouth is overlooked, dental disease can result. Bad breath, red and infected gums and reluctance to eat are all signs of dental disease. We provide a full range of dental care services, including dental x-ray, to help keep your dog’s teeth and mouth healthy.

Why is oral and dental health important?

Dental disease should be taken seriously for several reasons. Accumulated plaque and tartar lead to bacterial growth. Eventually, bacteria from the mouth can get into the bloodstream and infect other parts of the body. Dogs with dental disease will often feel pain, even if they don’t show it. Dogs can be aggressive chewers and chew on objects that are too hard can frequently result in worn down and broken teeth. Bad breath makes it unpleasant to be close to your dog and could hinder your bond with them. Proper dental care will address all of these issues to make your dog healthier, pain-free, and pleasant to be around.

How often should you brush your dog’s teeth?

Ideally you should brush your dog’s teeth daily. There are particular pet kinds of toothpaste available in dog approved flavours such as poultry and beef to make this task easier.

What types of dental care for dogs do you offer at your clinic?

When a dental disease is already present, tooth brushing cannot reverse the process. A complete dental assessment and treatment procedure is needed to scale away from the tartar, clean below the gum line, take x-rays of the tooth roots, and possibly extract any severely damaged teeth. We offer free dental assessment appointments to answer all your questions and give you an estimate of the cost of the procedure.