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Dog Deworming

November 8, 2016

No one likes the thought of their dog having worms. But to make sure your dog never gets them, you need to discuss proper deworming with your veterinarian. Worms can cause health issues ranging from mild to serious. But fortunately, treatment is straightforward and reliable.

What are some internal dog parasites?

The most common intestinal parasites found in dogs are roundworms. This is the worm that all our routine dewormers gets rid of. Dogs can get many other types of worms, as well as single-celled parasites, from being in infested areas, or from drinking stagnant water. Each of these parasites can be treated with the proper medication.

What are worm infestation symptoms in dogs?

Often, an animal with a parasitic infestation does not show any symptoms. Some animals will have diarrhea, but symptoms might not be noticed until the worm infestation becomes severe. This is why a routine deworming program is so important.

Do worm affect humans?

A veterinarian’s goal in deworming a dog is not only to treat the pet but protect your entire family. Some parasites that affect dogs can also be transmitted to humans. This is important because humans are not the usual hosts for these parasites, and they act differently in our bodies than they do in those of pets. This can cause serious complications and poses additional health risks

Any deworming medication side effects?

Deworming medications work by affecting the nervous system of the parasite. These drugs are designed to act correctly on the cells of parasites. They have no effect on cats, dogs, humans, or any other mammals, and are completely safe. Deworming medications are available in a variety of easy to administer forms, including flavour-coated tablets, chewable treats, and a liquid that is applied to the skin on the back of the neck.

What is the deworming schedule?

All puppies are born with worms. They are transmitted from their mothers during pregnancy and after birth. This is why we routinely deworm puppies until they are four months of age. It can take several treatments to get rid of all the worms. When you bring your puppy or kitten in for its vaccine visits, these treatments are included in the cost. For adult dogs, deworming is just as important to maintain good health. Your veterinarian will help you decide what type and frequency of treatments are appropriate for your dog based on their risk of exposure to parasites.

How do you test for parasites?

There are testing methods available to find out if your dog has parasites. For parasites that live in the intestinal tract, we can test a stool sample to identify which types of parasites may be present. Heartworm can be detected with a blood test.