Clayton Park at 902.443.4345 Woodbury Veterinary Hospital

Emergency Vet

November 9, 2016

If our clinic is closed and you have an emergency, please contact the Metro Animal Emergency Clinic, located at 201 Brownlow Ave #32, Dartmouth. Their phone number is (902) 468-0674.

How does the emergency clinic work?

The Metro Animal Emergency Clinic is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is a full-service hospital that provides emergency care when your regular veterinarian is unavailable. Like a human emergency room, no appointments are needed. Pets are triaged, and the sickest animals will be seen first. If you have a critical emergency, such as a pet that is unconscious or not breathing, please call ahead so the staff can make preparations for your arrival. Pets that are hospitalized at our clinic may be sent to the emergency clinic for overnight or weekend care and returned to us when we reopen.