Clayton Park at 902.443.4345 Woodbury Veterinary Hospital

Overweight Dog Help

November 9, 2016

Currently, more than half of dogs in North America are overweight or obese. Keeping a dog at their ideal weight has great health benefits. A lean dog is less likely than an overweight dog to develop diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. A dog at a healthy weight also has more energy to enjoy life. All you have to do to prevent excess weight gain is feed them the right amount of food. But every dog food is different, and every dog’s nutritional needs are different, so figuring out how much food is the right amount can get complicated. That is why we offer nutritional consultations to help you feed your dog the right amount and keep them slim and healthy.

Why should you have weight loss & management consultation at the clinic?

One of the best ways to keep your dog healthy is by managing their weight. That is why we offer weight management and nutritional consultations at no charge as part of your dog’s veterinary exam.
During these consultations, we start by weighing your dog and assessing how much excess fat they have on their body. If your dog is overweight, we will help you chose a quality food appropriate to their lifestyle and health needs. Several calculations are needed to determine your dog’s ideal weight and nutritional requirement. We do these for you and tell you exactly how much food to feed your dog per day. All you need to do is feed them the recommended amount. We can also give you advice on feeding them healthy treats, and tips on how to manage your dog’s begging behaviours to make the weight loss experience less challenging for the both of you.

Are some breeds prone to obesity?

Many of us are so used to seeing overweight dogs that a lean dog looks skinny to us. To tell if your dog’s weight is appropriate for their size, look at them from the side and from above, and run your hands down their back and sides.
The ribs and spine should be easily felt under a thin layer of fat. When viewed from above, the dog should have a visible waist or “hourglass” figure. When looked at from the side, the abdomen should be tucked up, higher than the level of the rib cage.

When is a dog considered to be overweight?

Some breeds are more likely to become obese than others. This is often because they can’t properly regulate their appetite and tend to overeat. In some breeds, genetic factors cause them to store fat more readily. Breeds to be extra careful with including the Labrador Retriever, English and French bulldog, pug, beagle, Shi Tzu, and Dachshund.