Clayton Park at 902.443.4345 Woodbury Veterinary Hospital

Puppy Vaccinations

November 8, 2016

When discussing and deciding on vaccinations for your new puppy, your veterinarian is focusing both on prevention and protection. Up until about 6 weeks of age, a puppy’s only immunity comes from the antibodies that they have absorbed from their mother’s milk. Once this immunity fades, a puppy is vulnerable to infection from serious diseases. A proper vaccination program allows the immune system to produce its own antibodies, which will allow it to intercept and neutralize viruses and bacteria before they have a chance to flourish.

What vaccinations do you offer to new puppies?

The vaccinations offered to a new puppy are the same as those offered to an adult. The Distemper vaccine is one of the ‘core’ vaccines that all dogs should receive. It is a combination vaccine that protects against several serious diseases; distemper virus, adenovirus type 2, parainfluenza, and parvovirus. Puppies are especially vulnerable to these diseases and need the extra protection of the vaccine to strengthen their immune system. Any dog that comes into contact with other dogs or goes to places where many other dogs have been, is susceptible to the kennel cough infection. This disease isn’t usually severe but will make your puppy feel terrible for several days and does have the potential for complications like pneumonia. The last ‘core’ vaccine is to protect against Rabies. Rabies a zoonotic disease, meaning that it can be transmitted to humans. Since it is always fatal, all dogs should receive this vaccine to protect them and their families. The ‘non-core’ vaccines are to protect against the Leptospirosis bacteria carried by wild animals, and the tick-borne Lyme disease-causing bacteria. These should be considered for any puppy who may travel to areas in the country. Even dogs that stay in the city may require Lyme vaccination, as ticks are spreading into our urban areas.

What is an appropriate schedule for puppy vaccinations?

The vaccination schedule is the main difference between puppy and adult dog vaccinations. The veterinarian is focusing on priming your puppy’s immune system to be able to fight off infectious diseases on its own. During this process, timing is critical. If a vaccine is given too early or missed by several weeks, it won’t be able to boost the immune system properly. The vaccination schedule must be followed as closely as possible to ensure full protection. The standard schedule used for puppies involves visits at 8, 12, and 16 weeks of age for vaccine boosters. If you get a puppy that is much younger or older than this, or if a vaccine is missed, the veterinarian will modify the schedule and may need to add extra vaccine boosters.

Why is it important to properly vaccinate your puppy?

As a young puppy explores the world, it is at risk of picking up a virus on a walk, at the park, or on playdates. Properly vaccinating your puppy is vital to decrease the chance of this happening. Sticking to the 8-12-16 schedule ensures that the puppy won’t be vulnerable during the time when its immune system is developing and still weak.

How should you prepare your puppy for its first vaccination visit?

A visit to the veterinarian should not be a scary time for the puppy. It often helps if you do ‘soft’ visits first in which you take your puppy into the clinic merely for socialization. This helps them to develop a feeling of excitement when the veterinary hospital is involved. During these visits, the puppy is brought in to meet the staff and get treats and cuddles. After these visits, the fear response of being in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people is lessened. The vaccination visit should start much the same way as the ‘soft’ visit, where the puppy is given attention and treats, and then the vaccine appointment can commence.