Clayton Park at 902.443.4345 Woodbury Veterinary Hospital

Surgery Service for Dogs

November 8, 2016

Our clinic is fully outfitted to perform all the routine surgeries that your dog may need, whether it be an elective surgery scheduled weeks ahead or an emergency that must be dealt with that day. Just like a human hospital, our surgery suite is equipped with monitoring equipment like ECG, blood pressure monitors, and pulse oximetry. All surgical patients receive the benefit of supplemental oxygen and thermal support during surgery. Each dog undergoing surgery also has an Intravenous catheter placed and gets IV fluid to help maintain blood pressure. We make sure to include pain relief drugs to keep your dog comfortable after their surgery. All surgical equipment is thoroughly cleaned and sterilized between uses. All these features and precautions ensure the safety and success of the many surgeries we perform daily.

What surgery services do you provide for dogs?

Spay and neuter surgeries to have your dog ‘fixed’ count among the most common surgeries we perform. Large dogs can have their stomach tacked (gastropexy) at the same time to prevent the deadly condition known as bloat. Many dogs injure themselves while playing, in which case we will repair their wound or set their broken bones. We also surgically removed many types of lumps, remove quills from dogs who got too close to a porcupine and perform oral surgery to remove infected teeth.

Do I have to fast my pet?

It is crucial for your dog to fast the day of their surgery. This is for their safety. Serious complications can occur if the dog vomits during anesthesia, including pneumonia. The stomach must be empty, so a small snack on the morning of the surgery is not a safe compromise. No food is allowed after midnight the night before the surgery. This means the night before you should take away any other pet’s food in the house, and make sure garbage cans are inaccessible. In the morning do not feed any breakfast, do not give any treats, and watch out that your dog does not eat anything left in the yard or on the sidewalk. Your dog may continue to drink water up until you bring them to the clinic.