Blog: Pet Parasite Prevention


Cat Parasites

All cats, even indoor cats, are at risk for parasites that can make them, and you, very sick. Below is a list of the external and internal parasites that your feline family member should be protected from.


Feline Leukemia

Feline leukemia virus suppresses a cat’s immune system and increases their risk of infection, anemia and cancer. Cats are more likely to become infected when they are young, but may not show signs for years.


Diseases Transmitted from Pets to People

There is no denying the benefits of having dogs and cats in our life, but as is true with all things, there are many downsides that some owners are unaware of such as diseases that can be passed on to humans.

lyme vs ticks

Lyme Vaccine vs Tick Prevention

Lyme disease is becoming a larger and more important topic in the veterinary community. Not only because of its risk towards our pets, but also for the rick it poses towards humans. Lyme disease is a bacterial disease (Borrelia burgdorferi) that is transmitted by the Deer Tick (Ixodes scapularis). Most…