Blog: pet health


Senior Pet Wellness Care

Our pets tend to age faster than we’d want them to. Dogs and cats are considered geriatric when they are 7 years and older. That means there’s a lot to take into consideration because there are both physical and behavioural changes. Senior pets are prone to developing arthritis, diabetes, kidney…


Danger of Heat Stroke in Dogs

Most of us understand that the heat of the summer affects how we go about our day and that we have to make the necessary adjustments so we can continue our normal activities without problems. Unfortunately, there are a number of people who still don’t understand how hot the pavement/rocks…

cats near window

Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats

Here are some facts you should know about Chronic Kidney Disease:

cats near flowers

Toxic Household Items for Pets

Toxic household items, plants and food that you may be exposing your pet to; Holidays are coming up, and with the holidays comes a lot of food, plants and festive decoration. Be careful with what you leave lying around and have all guest aware of the potential dangers of your…