902.443.4345 Clayton Park

Brush Your Pet’s Way to a Longer Life

January 31, 2019

I can honestly say that brush my dog Chesney’s teeth three to four times a week. Trust me, it’s not always easy, especially when he looks up at me with those adorable beagle eyes. But knowing what I know as a Technician, these are the reasons why I can easily keep motivated to do this for him/put him through it (if you ask him):

Thirty seconds, three to four times a week is nothing compared to the years this may add on to his life! I do it because I love him and I want him to be his best self for as long as possible so that I can have my best friend around for the next 15 years (that’s the hope anyway)! If you’ve slipped up and forgot to brush your pet’s teeth for the past 946 days (we’re all human, right?) and your best friend could use some breath freshening, give us a call today for a dental assessment and can help make a plan to get back on track!

Written by: Kirsty Riemersma, Registered Veterinary Technician