902.434.0700 Dartmouth Veterinary Hospital

Dental Pain in Pets

August 8, 2017

Dental disease is very painful (just think – even a canker sore can ruin your day!). So why is it we hear so many clients telling us their pet isn’t in pain when they present to us with signs of dental disease? Animals have a natural instinct to hide their pain.

In the wild, it is a survival instinct not to show when they are wounded, and even domesticated animals have these instincts. While some pets will whine, hide, stop eating or display other obvious changes in behaviour, other pets show zero signs of pain. Often animals keep eating normally (even hard kibble), playing and acting their normal selves while living with a very painful medical condition. It’s important for us, as pet owners, to be able to not only recognize subtle signs of pain in our pets, but also to take the appropriate preventative measures to ensure our animals aren’t feeling pain. Here are a few things you should know when it comes to your pet and their dental health:
