902.434.0700 Dartmouth Veterinary Hospital

National Unchain a Dog Month

February 16, 2016

There are many reasons why chaining a dog outside can be considered inhumane. The condition of most tethered dogs is poor. They can suffer from sores and rawness around their neck, either as a result from poorly fitted collars or straining and yanking in an attempt to escape. There are psychological issues that can develop over time when they are left outside for extended lengths of time. With dogs being naturally social, thriving on interaction with human beings and other animals, affection and attention is key to them being well-rounded, happy animals. The neglect that comes with being ignored and left alone for hours at a time, if not round the clock, can lead to aggression, neurosis, anxiety, and general unhappiness.

Tethering a dog outside means they are exposed to many different weather conditions, not all of which are safe. In the cases of extreme heat, they may not have adequate protection from the sun’s rays, which can lead to dehydration or skin damage. In snow storms, with no access to shelter, they can get frostbitten. They also may not have fresh or available water, irregular feedings, and little to no veterinary care.

Having a pet is a huge responsibility, and while crating indoors for long periods of time also has its issues, people owning animals should understand what responsibility they are taking on when getting a pet. If someone is not prepared for the responsibility or can no longer handle it, there are other options to seek out to ensure the security and health of our furry friends.