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The Ways Our Cats Show Affection

August 23, 2018

After a long day’s work, you unlock the door to your home. “OH SPOT!”. A parade of doggy paws come raining down the stairs. You are then greeted by lots of slobbery kisses and barking. You can read Spot’s mind. “Owner you were gone…forever, I counted!”

Meanwhile, you peer over to the couch where Fluffy the cat is sleeping, unphased by your great return home, “feed me!” Unlike dogs, cats don’t always show their affection so obviously. Sometimes, their ways of affection can even surprise us:

How Do Cats Show Affection? 7 Cat Affection Signs

Your Cat Can Pick up on How You Are Feeling

25 Cat Behaviors That Seem Random, but Really Aren’t

Written by Adora Wesson, Veterinary Assistant