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The Importance of Neutering your Pet

May 5, 2017
neutering a dog

What is neutering?

Neutering or also known as “castration” is a term used when a veterinarian surgically removes the testicles. This procedure will also require your pet to go under general anesthesia.

Neutering your feline friend:

Neutering has many benefits for your male companion. Neutering your male cat will reduce the urge to spray or stop spraying completely. Intact males will spray urine on vertical surfaces to mark their territory to other cats, regardless if there is an intact female in the area. Neutering also reduces your male cat’s aggressive instincts and desire to roam from home. If your cat is an outdoor kitty, there is a risk of him catching and transferring feline leukemia or feline immunodeficiency virus (a virus much like AIDS in humans). Your female cat is also at risk, and this can be spread by cat bites, from fighting, or mating.

Neutering your canine companion:

Neutering your canine companion is also very beneficial. Your veterinarian will discuss the optimal age to neuter your dog, but it is generally done after he reaches sexual maturity. Sexual maturity can vary from six months of age and above. Male dogs have a tendency to mount other dogs (male or female) as well as inanimate objects. Once he is neutered, this will either stop or drastically change. It can also be the source of aggression problems. However, it is not a quick fix for on-going aggression issues. Neutering also helps prevent testicular cancer and some prostate problems.

Written by Ashley Brimicombe