
To Spay Or Not To Spay

Do you think it might be time to spay or neuter your furry friend? Are you on the fence as to whether or not it’s the best move for them? Before making any decision weigh out the pros and cons so you can be confident in the decision you make.


Pet Body Language

As a veterinary technician I am exposed to some work hazards. Some pets come to us fearful, and unfortunately we are unable to express our desire to help them. Because of this, your pet may try to defend themselves the only way they know how.


Stop the Pull

Having a dog is a wonderful thing. A relationship between a dog and their owner is generally a friendship filled with lots of fun and love. This friendship can be sorely changed if walks are unpleasant due to excessive pulling on the lead.


Traveling in the Summer

Summer for us means lots of travel and our “furry kids” go everywhere with us.  By planning ahead we can make our excursions fun and comfortable for our two dogs Maggie and Jiggs.