
Nutrition Transition

Knowing when to transition from puppy food to adult food can be difficult. The appropriate time depends on many things; the breed of the dog, the weight of the pet and even energy level.

Puppy food is important because it is high in calories that young pets need to grow and be healthy. Once the pet is done growing it is just as important to switch to an adult diet which is lower in calories, to prevent the gaining of excess weight. The typical time to switch is as follows: 9 to 12 months for small breeds, approximately 12 months for medium-sized breeds, and 12 to 24 months for large breeds. Other factors may also affect this so ask your veterinarian if you are unsure about when to change diets.

Transitioning to a senior diet is a less known benefit in animal nutrition. Some diets are more suitable for senior pets, they have an even lower calorie count (since senior pets are less active than adult pets), and some contain supplements that can improve a senior pet’s life in many ways. The timing for this transition is much the same as for the puppy to adult phase. Small breeds are recommended to switch at 8 to 10 years of age and large breed dogs at 5 to 7 years old.

Written by Jordan Christensen 


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Cats are curious creatures who love to roam and explore. The outside world is full of birds to hunt, trees to climb and sun patches to roll in - so why doesn’t everyone let their cat go outside?

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